Home The Kitchen A closer look What is Structured Data? (Or Schema.org, metadata, and Open Graph)

What is Structured Data? (Or Schema.org, metadata, and Open Graph)

The last time you played a song in your car and the title showed up on the radio screen, you saw metadata in action—information that is hidden behind the scenes to provide additional detail about a file or system. Websites have metadata to provide information about the company, content type, publishing date, and more.

Watch What is Structured Data? (Or Schema.org, metadata, and Open Graph) on Youtube

Structured Data, commonly ‘Schema.org’ is a collaboration between Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, and Yandex to provide a consistent format for websites. Using this clear format allows search engines to correctly categorize websites and interpret content. Learn more at schema.org, ogp.me, and test at search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool

The Open Graph Protocol allows social media sites to display websites in a pleasant way when shared on their platforms.. Title, Image, and description can be provided along with a few other attributes. developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/webmasters

Spend a little time getting your metadata in order and you’ll be happy you did.

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Watch What is Structured Data? (Or Schema.org, metadata, and Open Graph) on Youtube