Home The Kitchen One minute overview series New product in an unfamiliar market - Don’t make things harder for yourself

Don’t make things harder for yourself

When entering an unfamiliar market it is important to focus where it matters. Focus on the product and not the process. Focus on what matters to your customer.

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Let’s face it, when you’re just starting on a new project it can be easy to feel unsure of a product’s value. The inclination to avoid failure by bolstering the value is natural, but be careful how you go about doing that. Adding unnecessary work and ultimately making it harder to deliver doesn’t mean it is any more valuable. If you want to add value, focus on features, reliability, customer service, or anything that is tangible to the customer. It sounds simple, and yet it can be easy to forget. The less work it takes to create and sell a product the better as resources can be devoted to upgrades and support.

Do market research and see what the actual value of your product should be. If there are competitors in the market, compare with a logical and critical eye.

In short: Nobody wins if we make our process unnecessarily harder. Everybody wins if we make our products better.

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Time is money and notifications are key. An easy alternative to building a notification system is integrating Slack and using it to notify employees of certain events on your site.

The Slack API is powerful which means that you can set up your website as a ‘user’ and send notifications to specific channels and mention specific team members with ease. e.g. New user signup? Send the details to Noah. Error in the checkout? Send the log to Zakk
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