we think that by the time july hits, we just have to admit that it REALLY is 2011.
ya know??? hard to believe, but yeah, we do think it's time to just go with that...
and turns out terri's got some news that has her grinnin' and blushin' and feelin' really
really happy and will prolly remember it's 2011 for a long time to come.
so grab some iced coffee or iced something, curl in with us,
and don't forgt to check out our 'in our hearts' section to get the full scoop!!
which happily is our first section up! how perfect is that?!!

~~~terri, noah, zakk and josh

~~~in our hearts!!~~~

it happened just before we sent out the last newsletter, so there wasn't time
to get it in there...but if you hang out anywhere near me and say a 50,000 mile
radius, you may have heard my shrieking...bob, that amazing guy of mine, PROPOSED!

now, truthfully, things are pretty much the same. there's no date...it's all still a long
ways off, we've been talking about marriage for awhile...
BUT something IS different!
and that's one reason i chose to share this in the newsletter. while i'm totally tickled
and look down at this gorgeous ring 20,000 times a day...what really really matters to
me is that somehwere along the line, with the work we've done together and the trust
we've built and all the stuff that got thrown into the mix, and the situation of the proposal...
well, something deep changed inside of me that day.
it really really did.

that voice inside of me that said i wasn't good enough, that no one could really love
all of me, that if i couldn't be what someone needed they'd leave...that one....
that one i know a whole lot of us have...it's gone. it's really really gone. i am not kidding.
i wanted to put this out there cause i know i'm not the only one with this thing. and
i don't think i ever ever ever believed it would really go away.

i don't think it's that someone asked me to marry him.
i think it's all the work he and i have done together,
and the trust that we've built and a million other things...
so no, i don't think you have to get engaged to have this happen!
and that's why i want to shout it to every woman i know!
we CAN get rid of some of this garbage we walk around with!!!!

i got rid of that garbage and at the same time got engaged to the most amazing man i've ever known.
kinda cool, huh?
will you hold us in your hearts?
will you just celebrate with me?
this is the biggest shift inside myself i can ever remember feeling. and i so want to share it with you!
i have never felt happier in my life. squeeze my hand and jump up and down with me, okay?!
cause it's that much better with you to share it with!


okay, seriously, this is ALMOST as exciting as getting engaged!
(don't tell bob i said that!!)



i'm totally NERVOUS and EXCITED about this.
you can DOWNLOAD it and listen to bone sighs as you drive,
do your dishes, or just goof around the house...

our first one is aimed for people facing a challenge
and needing a reminder of what's inside them and that they are not alone!

come check it out!

~~~you guys!!~~~

* claudia came thru last month sharing her amazing art with us!
she's a single mom raising her small son...definitely something a lot
of us can relate to! wait til you see what she does! go check her out!
and drop her a note and tell her you were there. that helps soooo much!
claudia, your art is gorgeous! thank you so much for sharing it with us!

* carrie popped thru and just totally tickled me recently. i popped over
to her site to check her out and was enchanted! she pulled me right in when
i read on her 'about' page that one of the things she does is wander the
planet in search of what already exists with her. that was it. i fell in love
with her right there. go check her out!

* have you seen our wonderfuls this month?! so, okay, these guys
hold a special spot in my heart - we're featuring the guys behind the
bone sigh arts scene! noah and zakk! it's a great chance to check out
some of what they're into! and! there's an awesome deal there for anyone
looking for a newsletter service! i couldn't be more proud of these fellas!
go check 'em on out!

* and that's all we have from you guys! want us to announce something
in our next newsletter? drop us a note! we'd love to include you!

~~~new stuff!!~~~

'losing boundaries'

she lost the boundaries between herself and the prayer. mixing together, they became the same thing. rather than confusing her, it changed her. and she was never the same again.

(greeting card)

how do you describe the joy of being with someone for no other reason but to be?

''rocking and crumbling' (greeting card)

with the world rocking and crumbling around her, she watched everything change - again.
hurdling challenge after challenge, she kept going. watching and listening and believing. she never saw the grace that she was, but i did. and i loved her. and i was grateful to be her friend.

~~celebrate with us!!~~~

in honor of this whole engagement/shift of terri's insides/bob's wonderfulness thing
we wanted to celebrate somehow!
when you place your order, type in 'engaged' and we'll give you a 10% discount!
and for any orders over $100 we'll toss in a plastic sleeved pring of 'everything'
absolutely free and with great glee!
(the offer doesn't apply with an audio purchase because logistically, it just doesn't work out...
something about shopping carts and downloads being different and such...sorry about that!)

"i give you my heart.
sometimes i think it's just not enough.
and then sometimes i know it's everything."

thank you for being a place for me to share the good as well as the hard.
thanks for being part of my world.
remember as you wander around out there that you matter -

~~~honor yourself~~~

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Bone Sigh Arts 15809 Menk Road Accokeek MD 20607 877.702.7444