Bone Sigh Arts Newsletter
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gasp! can it be?!! can it JUST be?!!! why i do believe it's birthday month AGAIN!
ohmygosh, you'd think i'd be getting tired of all this birthday fussin', but um...i'm having such fun! slip on your birthday hat, grab a party horn, and let's fuss and clap and celebrate the gift of being here! there's so much to be grateful for! happy birthday to all of us!

and noah and zakk, the mazuzu team

if i could

'if i could teach you anything -
it would be to hear your heart,
and know your beauty
and to believe in your possibilities.'

click here

i've been shouting out quite a bit about ms. sue! so chances are, you've heard of my buddy and her struggle with cancer and our push to fill her with stars! in case you haven't heard, or even if you have and you want an extra little dose of sue, we've got her in our spotlight this month! we're not done yet with our star campaign either! come on over and read about sue, and send her a few stars while you're at it!

my suebear

three very special women are offering their art to help the world! jane and sorrow are auctioning off their creations to raise money for a guy to fix his smile. we've mentioned that very guy, regan, here in the newsletter. you may recall his story - you can click here to refresh your memories! and mary is doing a quilt giveaway to raise money for a homeless man to build his very own home. mary asks that you you donate to mitchell's home or regan's smile for a chance to win her quilt. what fun, creative, generous offers! i am so impressed with these women - what they're doing and what they've made!. if they get a big enough crowd, they could really raise some money! so i was hoping to send you guys over to check them out, and maybe you'd send your buds over, and maybe we could really get these rolling! wouldn't that just be so cool?! the auction closes on may 18th so be sure to check it out soon! and mary wraps up her quilt giveaway on the 15th! so you'll want to hop over there quickly too! feel free to spread this around! and let's all hold regan and mitchell in our hearts this month! -and, of course, these beautiful women! thank you mary, sorrow and jane for the light you add to the world!


~i talked with vicki, from 'joy of mom' recently. she just oozes enthusiasm and energy! i wanted to point out her facebook page to all of you moms out there! go drop by her page and tell her terri sent ya!

~ tori, from 'stencil me in' is someone i wanted to share with you. we came in contact because of copyright problems! what a way to meet a new friend! as soon as she realized she was using one of my quotes, she immediately stopped and was wonderful about it. since then, we had a good chat on the phone, became facebook friends, and now it looks like we'll be meeting up for tea as she's moving to the area! she's got a website you'll definitely want to check out!

~ my buddy beth ann pointed out the 'full body presence: grounding & healthy boundaries' workshop going on in cleveland in the beginning of june. wanted to share that news for anyone in the cleveland area. you can click here for details. thanks, so much, beth!

~ carolyn came thru, we chatted a little and then i asked her for a link to her art. i was so glad i did! you gotta see what creations carolyn makes! i think you'll love her! i sure did! thanks for letting us share, carolyn!

~ and last, but certainly not least, my son, josh is doing a 'search for good tour!'
it's such a great idea, i hope you'll all check it out and join in. it feels like something we all need right now. he uses social media to take us all along for a world wide tour sharing the good that's around us. hop on in and share your stories!

oh guys! look what we've got! i am so excited about these! they're little bone sigh cards sold as a set! the idea is to toss them in a bowl and pick one when you need one, or take just the right one and put it by your keyboard for the day, or slip one in your wallet to pull out as needed. that kinda thing! you can find all the details here! they make great gifts for you or a friend - spreading hope wherever they go!



bone sigh arts has got to grow if we're gonna make it thru this year! we have GOT to! so i'm tryin' everything i can think of to get us growing. our best form of advertising comes from people telling their friends about us. word of mouth from people who enjoy us. if you've purchased a product from us, were happy with it and like the idea of spreading us, we'd love it if you join in our 'let's get this year moving' campaign! i made a spreadable image you can spread on your facebook page! (and yes, it feels a bit BOLD to me!) i just posted it on the bone sigh arts facebook pagethis morning! (it will also be in the photo albums on the bone sigh arts facebook page for any time you want to grab it!) and don't feel like you have to stop there! oh no! tell your buds about us over coffee, mention us in an email, hop on the nearest rooftop and shout a bit~! spread in any way that feels good to you! we'd sure appreciate it! thank you so much!!!



seems like there's always a hurdle to get over, doesn't it? for some it was getting thru mother's day. that can be a hard one for a lotta reasons. for others there's dates and anniversaries that remind us of a loss, seems like there's a lotta different kinda hurdles out there. as we go over them, or bump into them, or fall flat right in front of them, let's remember to be gentle with ourselves, offer ourselves compassion, and honor ourselves ----- you matter.

~with love, terri

the mud puddle
(greeting card)

'the mud puddle was back there.
exactly where she had left it.
it wouldn't move.
for that was the nature
of mud puddles.
but she would,
for that was the nature
of her.'

click here


our new little matted pieces!

'you are loved.'

'i am so proud of you!'

'you make a difference to me.'



you can get a
bone sigh quote delivered to your inbox every week day!

how cool is that?!
click here to sign up!


we have FREE e-cards
for you to send whenever you like!

you can find them here!


we have originals for sale as well!

you can find them

here's what one customer had to say about her original -

"I am the proud and absolutely thrilled new owner of an incredibly beautiful Bone Sigh original !!
I JUST opened it and I don't even know how to begin to describe how amazing it is and how powerfully the good energy radiates from it... It almost makes me tingle. (Her stuff really is magic. I've always said so.) You can see when looking at the originals on the  website that these are beautiful. What you can't see-- and I didn't really realize this either-- is how three dimensional they are! This one has 4 layers, and the depth makes it even more beautiful and interesting than you can possibly imagine by seeing its photo. And the detail in it... And then of course it means so much to me that she painted it and wrote the words herself. I'm proud of myself for buying such an awesome housewarming gift for myself. Thank you so, so much, Terri, for creating it. It's just perfect for me."
- Aimee

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Bone Sigh Arts 15809 Menk Road Accokeek MD 20607 877.702.7444