Home The Kitchen A closer look Why it is a good idea to plan and build (web) software in stages

Why it is a good idea to plan and build in stages.

It is natural to approach a new project with the finish line in your sights, and in our experience that always leads to wasted money and time. We always recommend a modular build strategy where features are split into different development phases. Why? Let’s take a look at the top 4 modular strategy advantages.

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Unforeseen options. During the design process it is inevitable that there will be changes in features, specifications, and even sometimes products themselves—it is difficult to anticipate every possible outcome and useful to be able to change gears without undoing hours of project management and product scope.

Budget. With a phased build strategy you can start as budget allows and see how things work as you go. It’s a payment plan with no interest.

Early launch. Getting a site online, an app in the market, or a product launched is a process that takes time. A year from now you’ll be glad you started early.

Market feedback. The market is always honest and will inform you how well your project works. Taking your project in small steps makes it easier to correct things that your audience doesn’t like or understand. It is also easier to listen to your audience when you are in the planning phase, so it is inherently easier to build something fitting to their needs.

Always have a clear goal in mind and always move directly toward that goal. How you get there is just details. This is the fastest way to create great software.

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