Home The Kitchen One minute overview series The SEO tool you have and don’t know about: Lighthouse

The SEO tool you have and don’t know about. Lighthouse - the one minute overview

There’s a great little tool housed inside Google Chrome called Lighthouse. It’s a testing and reporting system to determine webpage performance and offer suggestions about speed, accessibility, best practices, SEO, and Progressive Web Apps. Don’t worry if you’re not a developer as this information is clearly presented and built into basic overall scores.

Watch The SEO tool you have and don’t know about. Lighthouse - the one minute overview on Youtube

This test is run page by page (not website by website) so try running it on your home page, your product/post page, etc. Do some analysis of your site and see what needs a little adjustment to work well. And remember, this isn’t just for SEO, this is also for general user experience. Treat your visitors right and Google will reward you for it, so make that site FAST! Make it accessible, and keep your code clean and up to date.

To access Lighthouse navigate to the page you wish to test and press F12. This should open the developer console. Find and select the tab on the right that says Audits (Or Lighthouse) and then click on the Generate Report button. Test for both Mobile and Desktop.

Do it today! It’s always good to know where you stand.

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Watch The SEO tool you have and don’t know about. Lighthouse - the one minute overview on Youtube